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Tabara engleza si arte - Bran 2015
Tabara Engleza si Arte Bran – amintire coordonator workshop sculptura
Workshopul de modelaj in lut, sustinut pentru prima oara in cadrul programului educational organizat de Mara Study Turism, a venit alaturi de cursurile de actorie ca o completare fericita si ca un mijloc suplimentar de exprimare.
Experienta inedita
Pentru mine a fost o experienta inedita iar tinerii au avut ocazia de a experimenta lucrul cu lutul, de a se juca cu el in mod creativ, de a invata tehnici de modelaj. La final “joaca “ lor s-a transformat intr-o expozitie impresionanta de sculptura.
Surse de inspiratie diverse
Sursele de inspiratie au fost diverse, copiii si-au ales motive si pretexte plastice din realitate, sau din lumi imaginate.
Prin acest workshop acestia si-au dezvoltat filonul lor creativ, reusind sa-si materializeze gandurile si ideile prin obiecte tridimensionale.
Cu totii au manifestat un interes deosebit pentru acest mod de exprimare si chiar au dat dovada de talent.
Astept cu nerabdare noi ocazii de a lucra cu copii atat de seriosi si muncitori.
Bianca Mann - artist plastic, coordonator workshop sculptura
Tabara Engleza si Arte Bran – impresii de la parinti
Fetita mea, Andreea tocmai s-a intors foarte entuziasmata din Tabara de teatru, engleza si Sculptura organizata de Mara Study Turism, de la Bran.
Am fost placut surprins de programul taberei cat si de echipa profesionista care s-a ocupat de copii!!
La finalul activitatilor, au demonstrat ca timpul nu a fost irosit, ba dimpotriva, au exersat mult limba engleza, au interpretat piese de teatru, au comunicat si au creat un grup foarte frumos!
Multumim organizatorilor!
Ne inscriem si pentru la anul!.... daca nu va fi planificata in perioada examenelor de capacitate!!!
Dl.Gheorghe Tcaciuc din Bucuresti, tatal Andreei
Tabara Engleza si Arte Bran – amintire de la Flavio
Hello, this is Flavio and I am writing to you to tell you about the summer camp I went to.
First of all it was really fun and I made a lot of friends, and the activities were nice. My favorite activity must've been the Sculpture, as it was unique and a new experience. I made a lot of friends, and all of them were nice, but I didn't get along very well with 2 boys specifically. The play went well, and I certainly enjoyed it. My roommate and I got along, and I felt comfortable in the room. Over all, the summer camp went well and I enjoyed it.
Flavio Irani elev
Tabara Engleza si Arte Bran – amintire coordonator workshop teatru
I was in Romania partly because of my privilege as a theatre practitioner and partly because of my privilege as a native English speaker; given the immense “power” the English language currently holds in the world, I recognise how valuable it is and what a portal it has become for people to achieve great things in the world. With that privilege I feel an enormous sense of responsibility to bring this power into the hands of all people in order to make the world fairer, more open. However, English has often shown itself to be a poisoned chalice - with it comes a particular culture, a particular point of view, with some good elements and some bad;
The great influence of English language
many societies in the world have become enriched by the influence of English-language cultures and their money, but much culture and history have been erased all over the world. What stood out to me from our camp this year was that the balance of power in the structure of our work was not to bring English language to a group of faraway children, but to use English as a tool for our young people to dig deeper into experiences of harm in their own lives, to learn and enrich themselves by switching language to interrogate Romanian problems from a cultural distance.
I've never seen language used in this way
I've never seen language used in this way, as a prism for alternative vision, and I've never seen a collection of people so activated by questions that are vital to all people – why do we do harm, to others, to ourselves, to our planet?
It was a surprise to see and feel their commitment and it made me excited about the English language again because if it can be used in such a way to make this group question the world around them I have a little more faith in its power to help change the world for the better.
Challenging the injustice in the world
Teatrul Béznă continue to challenge the injustice they find in the world and I hope to always be a part of their struggle, using whatever tools are available to me. On Romania itself, as I said, I won't express here any opinions or judgements, but only say that I have left my heart in your country, and I can't wait to be back. Thank you so much for having me, and see you soon. Roland
Roland Reynolds - regizor Marea Britanie
Coordonator Tabara Teatru
Tabara Engleza si Arte Bran – amintire de la Iulia
Ca de fiecare data si in aceasta tabara m-am simtit foarte bine.
Multumesc lui Roland & Nico pentru implicarea si devotamentul de care au dat dovada.
Locatia a fost foarte frumoasa si timpul petrecut in tabara a fost minunat,chiar daca vremea a fost uneori capricioasa.
Ideea de a patrunde in tainele sculpturii s-a dovedit superba avand in vedere ca pana acum nu am mai incercat-multumesc Biancai!
Mi-a placut ca am exersat si totodata mi-am imbunatatit limba engleza alaturi de Roland & Nico.
Tematica taberei mi s-a parut interesanta iar parintii mei au fost foarte multumiti de tot programul si fascinati de piesa de teatru.
Ma gandesc sa mai particip si pe viitor,daca timpul si conditiile imi permit.
PS: imi permit sa fac o precizare: pe viitor, cred ca ar fi indicat sa fie selectati in tabara, ca si participanti, copiii cu nivel de cunostinte al limbii engleze mediu superior avand in vedere ca specificul taberei este de teatru in limba engleza si nu de invatare a limbii engleze.
Iulia Mitrache - eleva
Tabara Engleza si Arte Bran – amintire de la Sabina
M-am simtit extraordinar de bine in tabara de teatru in limba engleza si sculptura de la Bran. A fost o experienta de neuitat. Am invatat extrem de mult atat din lectiile de teatru cat si din cele de sculptura; am reusit sa punem impreuna cap la cap o piesa intreaga, sa scriem noi scenariul, sa colaboram si sa ne exprimam in fata parintilor nostri jucandu-ne si modelandu-ne propriile personaje, expunandu-ne gandurile si sentimentele intr-un mod creativ. Coordonatorii ne devenisera prieteni si ne dadeau sfaturi, ajutandu-ne sa ne punem in aplicare ideile si sa fim expresivi prin tot ceea ce facem. De abia astept urmatoare tabara. Ma voi reintoarce cu drag. 🙂
Sabina Tudor, eleva 16 ani
Coordonatorii acestei tabere colaboreaza in prezent cu Mara Study in organizarea de ateliere de arta in Bucuresti. Detalii despre acestea, gasesti AICI!